



Ripper Ride

B40, B45, B52


Ripper Hills

B45 and B52


Ripper Ride

B40, B45, B52


Muffin or Lincoln Loop


Ripper Muffin Ride

When: Mon & Fri at 6:00 AM

Start: Starbucks, Winchester

Intro to the Rippers or recovery ride.14mph max.

Ripper B40s

When: Tues & Thurs at 5:40 AM

Start: Vinson-Owen School, Winchester

B40’s:First group to depart, 15-16MPH, intended to finish at the same time as the B45's and B52's. Start here if you are not sure which group to join

Ripper B45s

When: Tues & Thurs at 5:45 AM

Start: Vinson-Owen School, Winchester

B45’s: Slower than the B52’s, Faster and Hillier than the B40's,  intended to finish at the same time as the B40's and B52's. Start here if you have riden in groups and are an intermediate.

Ripper B52s

When: Tues & Thurs at 5:52 AM

Start: Vinson-Owen School, Winchester

B52’s: The fastest we can go without trying to drop riders. Paceline is strong, smooth and steady. When on front expect to pull at 5-6 w/kg

Ripper Hill Ride B45s

When: Wed at 5:45 AM

Start: Vinson-Owen School, Winchester

B45’s: Slower than the B52’s by design so both groups ends around the same time in order to chat. Start here if you are not sure which group to join

Ripper Hill Ride B52s

When: Wed at 5:52 AM

Start: Vinson-Owen School, Winchester

B52’s: Our best climbers push themselves to their limits on these 5 climbs. Regroup at the top of each hill and silently plot your revenge during the downhill.

Ripper Lincoln Loop

When: Fri at 5:45 AM

Start: Vinson-Owen School, Winchester

It is faster than a muffin, but slower and smoother than a B45. A recovery for some and an effort for others. There are often some riders that extend to Concord (30-35 miles total) or Harvard (60-65 miles total). The decision to extend is usually done on the fly and without a specific route.

Saturday and Sunday rides are announced each week on our forum (GroupMe). Become a member to join us!